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Plate Weirs For HM 150 Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HM 150.03
Plate Weirs For HM 150 Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HM 150.03 Plate Weirs For HM 150 Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Discharge measurement in open channels using two measuring weirs
- flow over sharp-crested weirs
- typical measuring weirs: Thomson weir and Rehbock weir
Learning objectives/experiments
- free overfall at the sharp-crested weir
- plate weirs as measuring weirs
-- determining the discharge coefficient
-- comparison of measuring weirs (Rehbock, Thomson)
- determining the discharge
- comparison of theoretical and measured discharge

[1] discharge measurement in open channels using 2 measuring weirs
[2] measuring weirs for installation in the HM 150 experimental flume
[3] Thomson weir with V-profile
[4] Rehbock weir with rectangular profile
[5] level gauge with scale for determining the head
[6] level gauge can be positioned anywhere along the experimental flume
Technical data
- material: stainless steel
- self-sealing
- rectangular profile
-- LxW of the section: 60mm
- V-profile
-- angle of the section: 90°
-- height of the section: 60mm
Measuring ranges
- head: 0...200mm
LxWxH: 230x190x2mm (weir plates)
LxWxH: 290x190x290mm (level gauge)
Total weight: approx. 4kg